
H31-311_V2.5-ENU HCIA-Transmission V2.5

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Exam Code: H31-311_V2.5-ENU

Exam Name: HCIA-Transmission V2.5

Questions and Answers: 471 Q&As

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Exam Code:  H31-311_V2.5-ENU
Exam Name: HCIA-Transmission V2.5
Available Language: English, Chinese
Register: Pearson VUE

H31-311_V2.5-ENU HCIA-Transmission V2.5 Exam

HCIA-Transmission is the associate level of Huawei Transmission certification, which is for junior engineers in the transmission field and ICT talent who want to learn basic transport network knowledge. The current version of HCIA-Transmission is V2.5. Passing the H31-311_V2.5-ENU exam to achieve the HCIA-Transmission V2.5 certification proves you will master the basic knowledge of transport networks and the network architecture of Huawei transport network solutions. You will be able to perform O&M based on your knowledge and be qualified as a transport network O&M engineer.

H31-311_V2.5-ENU Exam Outline

The HCIA-Transmission V2.5 exam content covers basic knowledge of the transmission network field, including Transmission Network Overview, WDM Principles, SDH Principles, Transmission Network Products, Introduction to NCE-T, OTN Protocol, NG WDM Equipment Networking and Applications, Transmission Network Protection Principles.

H31-311_V2.5-ENU Knowledge Content

  1. Transmission Network Overview 10%
  2. SDH Principles 15%
  3. Transmission Network Products 10%
  4. Introduction to NCE-T 5%
  5. Introduction to Ethernet Principles and Services 10%
  6. WDM Principles 15%
  7. NG WDM Equipment Networking and Applications 10%
  8. OTN Protocol 10%
  9. Transmission Network Protection Principles 15%

H31-311_V2.5-ENU exam is for HCIA-Transmission V2.5 certification exam is popular. If you are one of them and you are preparing for the H31-311_V2.5-ENU exam, just come for the valid H31-311_V2.5-ENU exam questions to complete the HCIA-Transmission V2.5 certification successfully.


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