
H12-811_V1.0-ENU HCIA-Datacom V1.0

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Exam Code: H12-811_V1.0-ENU

Exam Name: HCIA-Datacom V1.0

Questions and Answers: 882 Q&As

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Exam Code: H12-811_V1.0-ENU
Exam Name: HCIA-Datacom V1.0
Available Language: English, Chinese
Register: Pearson VUE
Exam Fee: 200 USD

H12-811_V1.0-ENU HCIA-Datacom V1.0 Exam

HCIA-Datacom is the associate level of Huawei Datacom certification, which is for engineers who need to master basic datacom knowledge and capabilities, and have capabilities in small- and medium-sized network planning and design, deployment implementation, and O&M optimization. The current version of HCIA-Datacom is V1.0. Passing the H12-811_V1.0-ENU exam to achieve the HCIA-Datacom V1.0 certification will indicate that you are capable of planning, design, deployment, O&M, and optimization of small- and medium-sized campus networks.

H12-811_V1.0-ENU Exam Outline

The H12-811_V1.0-ENU HCIA-Datacom V1.0 exam covers:

  • Basic knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack.
  • Basic principles of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol and its implementation in Huawei routers.
  • Ethernet technology, spanning tree, VLAN, stacking technology and their implementation in Huawei switches.
  • Network security technology and their implementation in Huawei routing and switching devices.
  • WLAN technologies and basic principles and their implementation on Huawei wireless devices.
  • Basic principles of network management (such as SNMP).
  • Basic principles of WAN protocols (such as PPP) and their implementation on Huawei routers.
  • Basic knowledge of IPv6 and basic principles and implementation of ICMPv6 and DHCPv6.
  • Basic principles of SDN and implementation of Huawei products and solutions.
  • Basic principles of programming automation.

H12-811_V1.0-ENU Knowledge Content

1.Data communication and network basics 8%
2.Build an IP network with interconnection and interworking 27%
3.Ethernet switching network construction 28%
4.Cyber security infrastructure and network access 8%
5.Network services and applications 5%
6.WLAN basics 10%
7.WAN basics 3%
8.Network management and O&M 3%
9.IPv6 basics 5%
10.SDN and automation basics 3%

H12-811_V1.0-ENU exam is for HCIA-Datacom V1.0 certification exam is popular. If you are one of them and you are preparing for H12-811_V1.0-ENU exam, just come for the valid H12-811_V1.0-ENU exam questions to complete HCIA-Datacom V1.0 certification successfully.


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