
H11-879_V2.0-ENU HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0

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Exam Code:H11-879_V2.0-ENU

Exam Name: Huawei HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0

Questions and Answers: 1227 Q&As

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Exam Code: H11-879_V2.0-ENU
Exam Name: HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0
Available Language: English, Japanese
Register: Pearson VUE

Huawei HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 Certification Exam (H11-879_V2.0-ENU)

The Huawei HCIE-Collaboration certification is the advanced level of the Huawei Collaboration certification. With a version of V2.0, this certification validates your comprehensive understanding and mastery of audio and video technologies, H.323 and SIP protocols, high-reliability solutions, public-private network traversal solutions, convergence solutions, system networking planning and design, system operations and maintenance, and troubleshooting in the field of collaboration. It also demonstrates your ability to perform network planning, design, operations, and troubleshooting for Huawei video conferencing systems.

Prerequisite for earning the Huawei HCIE-Collaboration V2.0 certification:

  • Familiarity with video conferencing, networking, and security fundamentals
  • Proficiency in the topics covered in HCIP-Collaboration

Requirements for earning the Huawei HCIE-Collaboration V2.0 certification:

  1. H11-879 HCIE-Collaboration (Written)
  2. H11-886 HCIE-Collaboration(LAB)

H11-879_V2.0-ENU HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 Certification Exam

The H11-879_V2.0-ENU HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 exam focuses on advanced collaboration technologies. It includes topics such as principles of audio and video technology, H.323 and SIP principles, high reliability solutions, public-private network traversal solutions, convergence solutions, system networking planning and design, system operation and maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Huawei HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 H11-879_V2.0-ENU exam is available in English, which will test your skills as shown:

  1. Intelligent Collaboration Solution Overview  5%
  2. Principles of Audio Technology  7%
  3. Principles of Video Technology  8%
  4. SIP Principles   18%
  5. H.323 Protocol Principles   13%
  6. Public-Private Network Traversal Solution for the Video Conferencing System    11%
  7. Convergence Solution for the Video Conferencing System   6%
  8. Reliability Solution for the Video Conferencing System   11%
  9. Networking Planning and Design of the Video Conferencing System   5%
  10. Video Conferencing System O&M   8%
  11. Video Conferencing System Troubleshooting   8%

HCDAtest H11-879_V2.0-ENU Exam Questions Are Great For Preparation

You need to complete the H11-879_V2.0-ENU HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 certification exam in 90 minutes. It requires that you master H11-879_V2.0-ENU exam skills and key points well. HCDAtest H11-879_V2.0-ENU exam questions are great for your preparation. You can come to check the H11-879_V2.0-ENU free online test and get the full version online.


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