HCNP-Storage-CBDS H13-622-ENU Exam dumps
H13-622-ENU is one of HCNP Storage exams. We can provide you H13-622-ENU exam dumps to help you prepare for H13-622-ENU exam. Trust our site. All our questions and answers will be sent to our customers via email. HCNP-Storage-CBDS exam contains Big Data Storage technology,Data Storage system deployment and management,Big Data Storage system troubleshooting,OceanStor 9000 and OceanStor N8500 diagnosis of fault classification definition, planning and design to solve the large data storage.
After you study the 178 questions and answers clearly i am sure you can pass it. No need to worry about anything. All what you need to do is just to memorize them all.
1.When configuring an N8500 clustered NAS engine, a user must specify the start and end physical IP addresses and the start and end virtual IP addresses,
Answer: B
2.Which of the following statements about N8500 troubleshooting is incorrect?
- Check file system configurations, and then check storage device configurations.
- Check network connection, and then check NAS device configurations.
- Check device indicators, and then check system logs.
- Check the status of storage unit disk enclosures, and then check the status of storage unit controller enclosures.
Answer: D
3.In performance optimization of the N8500 clustered NAS storage systems, which of the following issues must the maintenance personnel be aware of concerning LUNs and controllers? (Select 3 answers)
- Create only one LUN for each RAID group.
- Set LUNs to forcible write back without mirroring.
- Ensure that the owning controller and the working controller of a LUN are the same.
- Disks that compose a file system are evenly distributed on controllers.
Answer: A, C, D
Questions from: http://www.hcdatest.com/h13-622-enu-hcnp-storage-cbds-huawei-certified-network-professional-constructing-big-data-solution/
New H13-622 exam questions have been updated, please test new H13-622 free online test: https://www.hcdatest.com/may-2018-new-h13-622-hcnp-storage-ccss-free-online-test/