Category Archives: HCNP

30 Mar

H12-222 and H12-223 English version

Looking for English version for H12-222 and H12-223 exams? We have finished translating from Chinese. What’s more we have many other Huawei exams that are translated to English. You can find it on our Free Online Test page.

We also have H12-221 English version. The free online test questions are part of our full version questions. After you test the free online test and you feel it good enough you can go to our Shop page to buy the full version.

If you want to get HCNP Routing and Switching certified then you have to pass H12-222 and H12-223 exams. Go to our shop page to buy the real questions to prepare for your certification test now.

24 Mar

Purchase HCNP R&S H12-221, H12-222 and H12-223 dumps

If you want to purchase three three HCNP R&S together, you can enjoy 25% discount. Just email us at [email protected] to ask for the coupon code.

At present, we have released the latest demo questions for these three exams:

H12-221-ENU Free Online Test

H12-222-ENU Free Online Test

H12-223-ENU Free Online Test

After you try the free questions then you can see the surprise. All our questions are from the real exams. You will know after you take the exams.

21 Mar

New updated Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-622-ENU exam questions

Hey guys, we just released  new Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-622-ENU exam questions. Just like before, all our Huawei HCNP-Storage H13-622-ENU exam questions are the real subjects. And if you are our old customers you will know it very clearly.

We will post the new questions on our blog very soon. If you are urgent please contact us at [email protected]

There are 167 questions and answers in our new updated version. All what you need to do is just to study them well enough. This is good and helpful for those who have no time to study.

14 Mar

Release HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions

Although the Huawei H12-222-ENU exam torrent is very popular, we offer a wide range of study materials and will continue to release new study guides to meet the rapidly increasing demand of the IT industry. We can guarantee your passing Huawei Certification H12-222-ENU exam. You can easily become Certified with the help of our HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions. In fact you will pass your H12-222-ENU Certification Exam with these Questions and Answers.

By purchasing our HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions, you will have all that is necessary for completing the H12-222-ENU exam with all H12-222-ENU practice questions that are always up to date. You will receive the highest quality and support with our customer service (live chat) that will fulfill all of your certification needs. Purchase our HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions today, simply put, Our study guide is your key to opening up new doors for a brighter future!

This H12-222-ENU exam is suggested for those IT experts, who want to work in a complex computing environment of medium to large-sized organizations. Passing your Huawei H12-222-ENU exam with our HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions, the most effective training software for the Huawei Certification H12-222-ENU exam. Developed by highly experienced and certified IT veterans, which offers extremely realistic questions and detailed and real answers.

Our Huawei H12-222-ENU online test is your best choice for Huawei Certification H12-222-ENU Exam because of its high quality, which also provides full-scale braindumps for the H12-222-ENU training materials, including the questions and answers supplied by a group of IT experts. The HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions from our HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU real exam questions all you will need to gain practical hands-on experience with actual Lab exercises including the concepts and objectives outlined by the vendors themselves.
If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]

12 Mar

Looking for HCNP R&S H12-222-ENU exam dumps

If you purchased the products from us before then you will know all our questions are the real questions. You can score up to 90% after studying our test prep well enough. Now we just finished H12-222-ENU translation.

All our H12-222-ENU exam questions are the real questions. After you purchase our H12-222-ENU exam dumps, we will send the product to your email in 10 minutes during our working time (12 hours in offtime).

100% pass guaranteed! If you fail we will give  you full refund. Please don’t worry about that. You can go to our H12-222-ENU free online test page to review the 20 questions first then you decide you want to purchase the full version.

07 Mar

Download H12-221-ENU real questions

Huawei exam is very hot. In this blog, we provide you the latest H12-221-ENU real questions. You can do the online test first before you purchase the full version. Generally there are only Chinese version study material. However, we specially translate them out to be English.

All the questions we translated are real questions. If you don’t believe it please check H12-221-ENU free online test first, then you decide whether it is worth for you to buy the full version.

Which of the following route entries match the IP-Prefix defined below?
ip ip-prefix test index 10 permit 16 greater-equal 24 less-equal 28
(Select 2 answers)
Answer: A, C

Which of the following is the multicast distribution tree maintained by PIM-DM?
Answer: A

Which of the following attributes must exist in the BGP update messages? (Select 3 answers)


27 Feb

HCNP-Storage-CDPS H13-623-ENU Exam dumps

I just want to tell you all that you needn’t worry your H13-623-ENU exam any longer. On our site, we provide you the latest HCNP-Storage-CDPS H13-623-ENU Exam dumps. No need to worry about anything. All what you need to do is just to memorize them all before you take the exam.

You can also check it from our free online test page. Just take some questions as an example as follows:

1.HDP3500E NetBackup client encryption capabilities to protect the NetBackup master server, media server and articulated backup data on the client. By default , HDP3500E already contains the client encryption licensee.
Answer: A

2.About NDMP technology description, Which is wrong?
A. NAS device supports NDMP protocol, it can directly backup server communication, do not need to install the backup software client on the NA equipment.
B. backup data can be read out from NAS storage device, then backup to the backup media, without going through the production server, thus reducing the burden of the production server.
C. When using NDMP protocol, the backup software, NAS device, backup media, the production server system all should support NDMP protocol.
D. During the backup, NAS devices will transmit the file which will be written in backup media and catalogue-related information to the backup server, indexed by the backup server for maintenance.
Answer: C

3.VTL6900 engine with five fans, support for 4 + 1 redundancy, can in the case of a fan failure, and keep the normal running.
Answer: A

4.Which of the following descriptions belong to the characteristics of disk backup media? (Choose 2 answers)
A. backup and recovery performance is high
B. management and maintenance cost is low
C. can achieve separation device of data storage disk and read and write disk, implement the data stored offline
D. low unit storage costs relative to the physical tape
Answer: AB
Questions from:

26 Feb

HCNP-Storage-CBDS H13-622-ENU Exam dumps

H13-622-ENU is one of HCNP Storage exams. We can provide you H13-622-ENU exam dumps to help you prepare for H13-622-ENU exam. Trust our site. All our questions and answers will be sent to our customers via email. HCNP-Storage-CBDS exam contains Big Data Storage technology,Data Storage system deployment and management,Big Data Storage system troubleshooting,OceanStor 9000 and OceanStor N8500 diagnosis of fault classification definition, planning and design to solve the large data storage.

After  you study the 178 questions and answers clearly i am sure you can pass it. No need to worry about anything. All what you need to do is just to memorize them all.

1.When configuring an N8500 clustered NAS engine, a user must specify the start and end physical IP addresses and the start and end virtual IP addresses,

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: B


2.Which of the following statements about N8500 troubleshooting is incorrect?

  1. Check file system configurations, and then check storage device configurations.
  2. Check network connection, and then check NAS device configurations.
  3. Check device indicators, and then check system logs.
  4. Check the status of storage unit disk enclosures, and then check the status of storage unit controller enclosures.

Answer: D

3.In performance optimization of the N8500 clustered NAS storage systems, which of the following issues must the maintenance personnel be aware of concerning LUNs and controllers? (Select 3 answers)

  1. Create only one LUN for each RAID group.
  2. Set LUNs to forcible write back without mirroring.
  3. Ensure that the owning controller and the working controller of a LUN are the same.
  4. Disks that compose a file system are evenly distributed on controllers.

Answer: A, C, D
Questions from:

25 Feb

HCNP-Storage-CUSN H13-621-ENU Exam dumps

There are 247 questions and answers in our HCNP-Storage-CUSN H13-621-ENU Exam dumps. All are covered in the actual exam. We are very confident on our HCNP-Storage-CUSN H13-621-ENU Exam dumps. The  key points are Overview of a Unified Storage System,Unified storage technology and application,Storage virtualization technology and application,ConConnecting Unified Storage Systems to HostsUnified Storage System Troubleshooting,Unified Storage System Performance and Optimization,Unified Storage System Planning and Design and OceanStor 18000 Installation and Maintenance.

If  you have any questions about our HCNP-Storage-CUSN H13-621-ENU Exam dumps please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can contact me via email [email protected]

We also provide free H13-621-ENU online test to help you test first. There are 20 questions in the online test. All are the real questions. We can guarantee you pass your H13-621-ENU exam.
HCNP-Storage certification shows proven thorough understanding of Huawei’s storage and server technologies and ability to independently deliver Huawei storage and servers.

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