Category Archives: HCNA-UC

13 Nov

Most Updated HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU Exam Questions

The most updated HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU exam questions, which updated on Nov.13, 2018 will be the best choice for passing HCNA-UC (Unified Communication) exam. We all know that HCNA-UC certification shows proven basic understanding of UC technology and its applications for enterprises. With the most updated H11-811-ENU exam questions, you can complete your HCNA-UC certification. Before getting the full version, there are 20 free questions can be tested online:

Begin to Test:

1. The U1900 main control board provides the following functions () (Multiple Choice)

Question 1 of 20

2. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the automatic switchboard configuration of U1960?

Question 2 of 20

3. The IAD is deployed at the () layer of the eSpace IPT system.

Question 3 of 20

4. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about configuring a SIP trunk on the U1900?

Question 4 of 20

5. Which of the following signaling protocols are categorized as Common Channel Signaling (CCS)? (Multiple Choice)

Question 5 of 20

6. When two U1900 unified gateways need to form a two-node cluster, the device version, card, and slot sequence of the two U1900 unified gateways must be same.

Question 6 of 20

7. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about call rights and user rights on U1900?

Question 7 of 20

8. A company deploys a U1981 and CDR Server.
The administrator runs the following command on the U1981:
config billpoolfull billdiscard no
When the CDR pool usage reaches 100%, the earliest CDRs will be overwritten.

Question 8 of 20

9. For the long number and short number service and number mapping for U1900, which of the following statements is CORRECT?

Question 9 of 20

10. Through the eSight configuration file management function, configuration parameters of IP phones can be updated in batches. However, configuration files apply only to automatic deployment.

Question 10 of 20

11. Which of the following boards is the main control board of an IAD?

Question 11 of 20

12. Which of the following functions is NOT supported by agents on SoftConsole?

Question 12 of 20

13. If you hear the prompt "The number you dial does not exist" when call an inner-office user, the possible reason is (). (Multiple Choice)

Question 13 of 20

14. Assume that the following requirement is to be implemented: If a U1900 user dials the number of a PSTN user, carrier A's trunk is preferred to route the call. When carrier A's network is faulty, carrier B's trunk is used to route the call. Assume that the office route selection code of carrier A is 1, and the office route selection code of carrier B is 2.
In this case, which the following configurations is CORRECT?

Question 14 of 20

15. User A has registered the call forwarding to the voice mailbox unconditional service. When user A calls user B who has not registered with the call forwarding service, the call is directly forwarded to user B's voice mailbox.

Question 15 of 20

16. During the U1900 operation, the MTU board supports hot swap.

Question 16 of 20

17. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the mode for obtaining the IAD IP address?

Question 17 of 20

18. Which of the following number change operations are supported on the U1900 series unified gateway?

Question 18 of 20

19. On U1900 series unified gateways, which of the following outgoing call rights are available for users of the default level? (Multiple Choice)

Question 19 of 20

20. Which of the following information is required when you apply for a license for the U1981? (Multiple Choice)

Question 20 of 20


If want to get full version, you can click the picture for further information:

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19 Oct

H11-811-ENU HCNA-UC (Unified Communication)

Huawei HCNA Certification H11-811 HCNA-UC exam questions are real and original. After practiced Huawei HCNA H11-811-ENU Test Questions and Answers, you will pass H11-811-ENU HCNA-UC (Unified Communication) exam smoothly.

We will provide 10 questions for Huawei HCNA Certification H11-811-ENU HCNA-UC (Unified Communication) online test. You can get 10 points after answer one question correctly. All the questions we provide are the latest exam subjects. They are just part of the full version 222 questions. And all your real questions will be randomly chosen from our dumps. If you want to purchase the full version 222 questions please go to our Shop page or click “I want to buy full version“. Just leave your message here or contact us via email if you have any questions.

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Please go to H11-811-ENU HCNA-UC (Unified Communication) to view this quiz



14 Apr

New cracked H11-811-ENU HCNA-UC dumps

To all candidates: we finally get the latest H11-811-ENU dumps cracked out.

There are 222 questions in our new version. We can guarantee all your actual questions will be randomly chosen from our dumps. All what you need to do is just to memorize them before you take the real exam.

They are all the latst knowledge points. You can check some demo questions from this link

If you want to buy the full 222 questions please purchase from this link

18 Feb

Best HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU Exam dumps

HCNA-UC covers but is not limited to:
Basic UC concepts, system functions, hardware structure, system networking structure, and business applications
Simple login operations of access devices and terminal devices

If you want to get this HCNA-UC certification, then you have to pass this H11-811-ENU exam. We are the only one site that can provide you the English version Huawei exam. Don’t worry about this exam, our blog provides you the latest and best HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU Exam dumps.

HCNA-UC certification shows proven basic understanding of UC technology and its applications for enterprises.
All our HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU Exam dumps will be sent to you via email. Will send to you in 10 minutes in working time and 12 hours during offtime. The exam dumps are in test engine version.

H11-811-ENU Free online test:

09 Feb

Huawei H11-811-ENU UC Certification Exam


Certification Exam Code Exam Name Duration Pass Score/
Total Score
(Huawei Certified Network Associate – Unified Communication)
90 min 600/1000

The HCNA-UC v2.5 exam covers VoIP communication basis, IPT solution architecture foundation, IP PBX foundation, IAD foundation, IP phone foundation and communication protocols in different components.
The latest H11-811-ENU exam dumps can be found at our blog. We even have the full version. This is very helpful if you are preparing for this Unified Communication certification test, then good to stay on our blog.

2.2 Knowledge Points
1. TDM and VoIP communication theoretical basis, signaling media protocol (SIP,PRA,SS7,AT0), voice codec and bandwidth
2. The system architecture, functions and features, components and typical application scenarios of eSpace IPT solution
3. IP PBX fundamentals, hardware components, board, features (call control etc.), trunk route, basic services and advanced features, etc
4. U1900 series unified gateway configuration, administrator’s operating interface, common user self-service interface
5. IAD foundation, Administrator’s operating interface
6. IP phone foundation, IP phone Web configuration page, upgrade and configuration in batches, basic configuration (user account and SIP server, etc)
7. User call right
8. eSpace IPT system trouble shooting


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