Category Archives: HCNA-R&S

26 May

H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device)

Huawei HCNA Certification H12-211 HCNA-HNTD exam questions are real and original. After practiced Huawei HCNA H12-211-ENU Test Questions and Answers, you will pass H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD(Huawei Certified Network Associate- Huawei Networking Technology and Device) exam smoothly.

We will provide 20 questions for Huawei HCNA Certification H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD online test. You can get 5 points after answer one question correctly. All the questions we provide are the latest exam subjects. They are just part of the full version 267 questions. And all your real questions will be randomly chosen from our dumps. If you want to purchase the full version 267 questions please go to our Shop page or click “I want to buy full version“. Just leave your message here or contact us via email if you have any questions.

Start to test:

1. About the description of PPP link establishment procedure, which of the following statement is wrong? (Multiple choice)

Question 1 of 20

2. Which of the following commands is to set the PPP authentication mode to PAP?

Question 2 of 20

3. A company to apply for a Class C IP addresses, but to be assigned to six subsidiary companies, one of the largest subsidiaries have 26 computers.
Different subsidiary must be in different network segment, the subnet mask should be set to ( ).

Question 3 of 20

4. Which of the following description about eSight is wrong? ( ).

Question 4 of 20

5. An error occurred when customers access to the FTP server, checked and found the connectivity between the server and the client is no problem, which server port is blocked that may be a problem caused?(select 2 answers)

Question 5 of 20

6. What is the role to command ip address ppp-negotiate?

Question 6 of 20

7. Which of the following WLAN standard transmission rate is greater than 1Gbps?

Question 7 of 20

8. AAR2200 routers need to restore the initial configuration, which of the following statements are true? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 8 of 20

9. [R1] ospf
[R1-ospf-1] area 1
[R1-ospr-1-area-] network
As shown in the configuration, the administrator configure OSPF in R1, but on R1 learning is less than other routers routing, the possible reason is?. (select three answers)

Question 9 of 20

10. Which verification protocol that PPP support? Reliable and safer than in HDLC (select two answers)

Question 10 of 20

11. [RTA] acl 2002
[RTA-acl-basic-2002] rule deny source
[RTA-acl-basic-2002] rule deny source
Use as shown above ACL matching routing entry on router PTA, which of the following items will be the match? (Select two answers)

Question 11 of 20

12. On VRP platform, you can access by which of the following historical command? (Select two answers)

Question 12 of 20

13. Which function of the OSPF hello message as follows? (Select three answers)

Question 13 of 20

14. What advantages does OSPF have? (choose 3 answers)

Question 14 of 20

15. system-View
[Huawei] user-interface console 0
[Huawei-ui-console0] user privilege level 15
[Huawei-ui-console0] authentication-mode password
[Huawei-ui-console0] set authentication password cipher huawei2012
[Huawei-ui-console0] quit
Which of the following statements about the above configuration commands is wrong?

Question 15 of 20

16. The two routers are connected via a serial port, and serial links using the PPP protocol encapsulation, which of the following parameters must be negotiated before the PPP link UP? (Choose 3 answers)

Question 16 of 20

17. When there are multiple routing information which purposes address are the same in the routing table, what is chosen as the router matches?

Question 17 of 20

18. View the Age time of RIP routing through the command on the router, what does Age time refer to?

Question 18 of 20

19. Which version of the SNMP protocol eSight support? (select three answers)

Question 19 of 20

20. NAPT allows multiple private IP addresses through different port mapping to the same public IP address, which of the following about NAPT description is correct?

Question 20 of 20




04 Feb

New Knowledge Points of H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD Exam

After upgrade to HCNA, new Knowledge Points of this H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD exam will be listed as follows:

IP Network Principles
1. Ethernet and IP based data forwarding processes.
2. TCP/IP network protocols and data encapsulation
3. VRP commands for basic navigation and configuration
4. IPv4 addressing principles, address design and subnetting
5. TCP/IP supporting applications such as Ping, Tracert, FTP, and Telnet.
LAN Technologies
1. LAN switching operations.
2. Link Aggregation application and configuration.
3. VLAN and GVRP and behavior, application and configuration.
4. STP and RSTP switching behavior, application and configuration.
WAN Technologies
1. Principles and application of serial technologies in wide area networks.
2. HDLC and PPP encapsulation principles and configuration.
3. Frame Relay and PPPoE implementation at the customer edge.
Routing Technologies
1. Static and dynamic routing principles,
2. RIP and OSPF dynamic routing protocol function and implementation in VRP
Network Security
1. Traffic Filtering technologies and their application in the enterprise network
2. User management through authentication and authorization schemes.
3. IPsec VPN technologies for protecting user data.
4.How network security is ensured by using network security technologies and firewalls.
Network Management
1. Network Management protocols and technologies.
IPv6 Networks
1. IPv6 principles and technologies
2. IPv6 routing technologies
3. Application services for IPv6 networks

04 Feb

Upgrade HCNA R&S H12-211-ENU exam

You may also find that this HCDA exam is also called HCNA exam. The full exam name is HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Certified Network Associate-Huawei Network Technology and Device). If you want to get HCNA certified you should prepare and pass H12-211-ENU certification test.

After upgrade, this HCNA-HNTD exam covers basic IP network connectivity, TCP/IP technologies, Ethernet technologies such as STP and RSTP, VLAN and Link Aggregation and their implementation within Huawei switches. Routing principles and technologies including RIP and OSPF for IPv4 and IPv6 networks, WAN technologies, IP based security, network management as well as IPv4 and IPv6 based application services.

Don’t worry about this H12-211-ENU exam, in this blog we provide you latest H12-211-ENU exam dumpsH12-211-ENU practice testH12-211-ENU latest questions. You can pass your exam very easily.

04 Feb

Some basic FAQs on HCDA certification test

What Exams You Must Pass to Become HCDA?

To become HCDA you must pass the HC-211-ENU exam – HCDA – Huawei Network Technology and Device (HCDA-HNTD). You can also register to the Chinese version, but we focus on the English.
You do not need prerequisites for the HCDA exam.

Format of the Exam?

On the exam you must answer 60 single and multi-choice questions. You have one hour for that.
You can check the H12-211-ENU online test on our blog.

Where You Can Pass the HCDA Exam?

You can pass the exam in a Pearson VUE IT certification center.

How Much Does the HCDA Exam Cost?

The exam costs $150 plus taxes.

How To Renew Your HCDA Certification?

The certification is valid for three years. To refresh the HCDA certification you must pass the same as initial certification

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