Category Archives: HCDA

08 Jul

2019 New H12-211-ENU HCIA-Routing&Switching Exam Preparation

Getting new H12-221-ENU exam preparation is a perfect way to pass HCIA-Routing&Switching certification. New H12-211-ENU HCIA-Routing&Switching Exam Preparation is updated on July 8, 2019, which contains comprehensive H12-211-ENU exam questions and answers for real HCIA-Routing&Switching exam. 

Before getting our full version of 2019 New H12-211-ENU HCIA-Routing&Switching Exam Preparation, we share 25 free demo questions to help you check the high-quality of H12-221-ENU preparation materials. We set scores for each questions. Answer one question correctly, you can get 4 scores. The total score is 100. Any other questions, just contact us via mail:

Begin to Test:

1. For multiple paths to the same destination network, the router needs to select by comparing the size of the Preference value. If the Preference is the same, then select according to the size of the Cost value.

Question 1 of 25

2. The routing table consists of multiple elements. What is wrong with the following statement?

Question 2 of 25

3. The correct description of the following is (). (Multiple Choice)

Question 3 of 25

4. For multiple paths to the same destination network, the router needs to select by comparing the size of the Cost value. If the value of the Cost is the same, then select according to the size of the Preference value.

Question 4 of 25

5. Which of the following commands can be used to check whether OSPF has correctly established neighbor relationships?

Question 5 of 25

6. Which of the following about the statement of static routing are incorrect?

Question 6 of 25

7. Which of the following OSPF versions are suitable for IPv6?

Question 7 of 25

8. In the STP protocol, assume that all switches are configured with the same priority. The MAC address of switch 1 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-40, and the MAC address of switch 2 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-10, the MAC address of switch 3 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-20, and the MAC address of switch 4 is 00-e0-fc-00-00-80, then the root switch should be ().

Question 8 of 25

9. Which of the following parameters are used in the switched network that runs the STP protocol when performing spanning tree calculations? (Multiple Choice)

Question 9 of 25

10. By default, how many seconds are the Forward Delay of STP protocol?

Question 10 of 25

11. Which of the following parameters does not the configuration BPDU packet of the STP protocol?

Question 11 of 25

12. Compared to STP protocol, which kind of port role is added in RSTP protocol? (Multiple Choice)

Question 12 of 25

13. Ip route-static preference 20, about this command, which is the correct statement? (Multiple Choice)

Question 13 of 25

14. On the VRP interface, you cannot use the command delete or unreserved to delete files. You must empty them in the recycle bin to delete files completely.

Question 14 of 25

15. The switch MAC address table is existing as follows, which of the following statements is correct?

Question 15 of 25

16. The VRP operating system commands are divided into four levels: access level, monitoring level, configuration level, and management level. Which level can run various business configuration commands but cannot operate the file system?

Question 16 of 25

17. Which of the following storage media are commonly used by Huawei routers? (Multiple Choice)

Question 17 of 25

18. When a router enabled with Proxy ARP function receives an ARP request packet and finds that the requested IP address is not its own, what actions are performed? (Multiple Choice)

Question 18 of 25

19. The IPv4 address of the host is Which host with the following IPv4 address and its communication do not need to be forwarded by the router?

Question 19 of 25

20. If the Ethernet data frame is Length/Type=0x0806, which of the following statement is correct? (Multiple Choice)

Question 20 of 25

21. Which of the following is not the working principle of CSMA/CD?

Question 21 of 25

22. The DHCP REQUEST message must be sent in broadcast form.

Question 22 of 25

23. Huawei devices can be managed using the Telnet protocol. Which of the following statements is correct about this management function?

Question 23 of 25

24. Which DHCP message does the DHCP client send when it wants to leave the network?

Question 24 of 25

25. If the IP address requested by the DHCP client is already occupied, which packet will the DHCP server use as the response?

Question 25 of 25


28 Jul

How to learn HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam well and pass Huawei H12-211-ENU smoothly?

If you are preparing for Huawei H12-211-ENU exam, there is a question for you. How to learn HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam well and pass Huawei H12-211-ENU smoothly? Today, I have got the latest reviews which from one of HCDATEST H12-211-ENU exam candidates, he has passed his HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam successfully. He has proven that HCNDATEST Huawei HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam questions are real and accurate.

How to learn HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam well and pass Huawei H12-211-ENU smoothly?

Huawei HCNA certification H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD exam covers basic IP network connectivity, TCP/IP technologies, Ethernet technologies such as STP and RSTP, VLAN and Link Aggregation and their implementation within Huawei switches. Routing principles and technologies including RIP and OSPF for IPv4 and IPv6 networks, WAN technologies, IP based security, network management as well as IPv4 and IPv6 based application services. Combining HCDATEST HCNA H12-211-ENU exam questions, you will complete all H12-211-ENU exam knowledge points and pass H12-211-ENU exam successfully.

How to learn HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam well and pass Huawei H12-211-ENU smoothly?

Huawei H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD exam is a hot subject, which validates the knowledge and skills required for basic configuration and maintenance of small to medium-sized networks. Almost every Huawei candidate need to pass H12-211-ENU HCNA (Huawei Certified Network Associate) exam smoothly. HCDATest Huawei HCNA H12-211-ENU test questions would be the best guide for passing. You obtain high quality H12-211-ENU exam info from reliable community associates that have by now approved HCNA H12-211-ENU exam questions and therefore are using Huawei engineering on a daily basis. With HCDATEST HCDATEST HCNA H12-211-ENU exam questions, you can pass the EX300 exam easily.

Just test H12-211-ENU free online materials first: [June-28-2018] New HCNA H12-211-ENU Free Online Test


29 Jun

[June -28-2018] New HCNA H12-211-ENU Free Online Test

New HCNA H12-211-ENU exam questions have been released on June 28, 2018, which would be the latest H12-211-ENU Huawei Certified HCNA-HNTD exam questions. With HCDAtest HCNA H12-211-ENU exam guide, you can pass your H12-211-ENU HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device) exam successfully.

HCDAtest shares 20 free questions of New HCNA H12-211-ENU free online test to let you feel you the real H12-211-ENU exam. Answer one free online question correctly will get 5 score. The total is 100 score. Before deciding to hold full version of New H12-211-ENU HCNA exam questions, please test HCDATEST New HCNA H12-211-ENU Free Online Test now.

Begin to Test:

Please go to [June -28-2018] New HCNA H12-211-ENU Free Online Test to view this quiz


16 Apr

New cracked H12-211-ENU exam dumps

There are many new questions in the actual HCNA H12-211-ENU exam. But  nevermind, we just updated this exam. We get the newest questions cracked out and have added the new questions to our dumps.

There are 267 questions now in total. All what you need to do is just to memorize them before you take your exam. They are exactly the same as your real questions.

Demo questions link:

Full version link:

25 Jan

Update: HCNA-HNTD H12-211-ENU exam dumps

Huawei add many new questions to the actual exam H12-211-ENU exam. Many customer gave us this feedback recently. But please don’t worry. We have update this exam today. There are 300 questions in our new version dumps. All your actual questions will be randomly chosen from our dumps. 100% pass guaranteed!

We will add some new demo questions on our site. Will update soon.

Purchase full version 300 questions H12-211-ENU dumps.

22 Apr

Release HCDA (Carrier IP) H31-211-ENU exam questions

Looking for H31-211-ENU exam questions? Then stop here. Our blog is the only provider for HCDA (Carrier IP) H31-211-ENU exam questions. Many customers ask for this exam. Now we released for you.

The English version will be released soon. If you are urgent please contact us at then we can do that for you as soon as possible.

14 Feb

Huawei HCNA H12-211-ENU study materials

H12-211-ENU is also called HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device) exam. It is a Huawei HCDA certification. As we all know Huawei certification can open the door to increased visibility, better opportunities and new jobs in your industry. In today’s highly competitive environment, certification differentiates you as a professional who is serious about applied learning, making you an asset to a prospective employer.

Recently H12-211-ENU becomes very popular. Many candidates search a lot through the internet to get the detailed study notes. If you can get this HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device) certification i think you can definitely acquire a good job which can provide you good salary. And we always want to help the candidates realize their dream.

Our experts have done a lot to help you achieve this goal. The experts design the latest study materials according to the latest official Huawei study guides. With our good Huawei HCNA H12-211-ENU study materials what you can save is not only money but also precious time. Want to get this HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Network Technology and Device) certification at your first attempt? Then we will be your good choice.

13 Feb

Provide Huawei H12-211-ENU HCDA Exam Dumps

The best and latest Huawei H12-211-ENU HCDA Exam Dumps can be found here. It is very hard to find the Huawei H12-211-ENU HCDA Exam Dumps through the internet, but luckily you got us.

Our Huawei H12-211-ENU HCDA Exam Dumps reflect the real exam. All the questions and answers in our dumps are the real ones. You can check the free online test first then you decide whether to buy the full version.

If you have any questions please contact us at

04 Feb

Upgrade HCNA R&S H12-211-ENU exam

You may also find that this HCDA exam is also called HCNA exam. The full exam name is HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Certified Network Associate-Huawei Network Technology and Device). If you want to get HCNA certified you should prepare and pass H12-211-ENU certification test.

After upgrade, this HCNA-HNTD exam covers basic IP network connectivity, TCP/IP technologies, Ethernet technologies such as STP and RSTP, VLAN and Link Aggregation and their implementation within Huawei switches. Routing principles and technologies including RIP and OSPF for IPv4 and IPv6 networks, WAN technologies, IP based security, network management as well as IPv4 and IPv6 based application services.

Don’t worry about this H12-211-ENU exam, in this blog we provide you latest H12-211-ENU exam dumpsH12-211-ENU practice testH12-211-ENU latest questions. You can pass your exam very easily.

04 Feb

Some basic FAQs on HCDA certification test

What Exams You Must Pass to Become HCDA?

To become HCDA you must pass the HC-211-ENU exam – HCDA – Huawei Network Technology and Device (HCDA-HNTD). You can also register to the Chinese version, but we focus on the English.
You do not need prerequisites for the HCDA exam.

Format of the Exam?

On the exam you must answer 60 single and multi-choice questions. You have one hour for that.
You can check the H12-211-ENU online test on our blog.

Where You Can Pass the HCDA Exam?

You can pass the exam in a Pearson VUE IT certification center.

How Much Does the HCDA Exam Cost?

The exam costs $150 plus taxes.

How To Renew Your HCDA Certification?

The certification is valid for three years. To refresh the HCDA certification you must pass the same as initial certification

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