
H19-338_V3.0 HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0

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Product Description

Exam Code:  H19-338_V3.0

Exam Name:  HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0

Questions and Answers: 123 Q&As

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Exam Code: H19-338_V3.0
Exam Name:  HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0
Available Language: English
Register: Pearson VUE
Exam Fee: 100 USD

H19-338_V3.0 HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 Certification Exam

Now you can register for the H19-338_V3.0 exam to earn the HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 certification. This exam is available in English only. HCDAtest has completed the H19-338_V3.0 exam questions and answers for your learning. Passing the H19-338_V3.0 exam and earning the HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 certification successfully prove that you will obtain an in-depth understanding of Huawei storage products, key technologies, industry development trends, and challenges, Huawei product features, Huawei product hardware introduction, Huawei deep introduction of key technologies, sales strategy. With HCDAtest, you can achieve success smoothly. Furthermore, if you want to register for the HCSP-Presales-Storage (Chinese version), you need to take and pass the H19-435_V1.0 HCSP-Presales-Storage V1.0 exam.

What will be tested in the actual HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 H19-338_V3.0 exam?

The HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 H19-338_V3.0 exam is aimed at the candidates below:

  • The sales professionals of partners who sell the Huawei storage product
  • Those who want to obtain the HCSP-Presales-Storage certification

For those who are planning to take the HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 H19-338_V3.0 exam, there is no prerequisite. However, it is highly recommended to understand the exam outline and knowledge content clearly.

H19-338_V3.0 Exam Outline

The H19-338_V3.0 HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 exam proves that you have systematically understood and mastered Huawei OceanStor Dorado Storage solutions, OceanStor Distributed Storage solutions, OceanStor Hybrid Flash Storage solutions, OceanProtect solutions, OceanStor Reliability Technologies and DR Solution, Data Management Engine-DME solutions, POC Test Design, the basic business functions, the hardware and software structure as well as Huawei basic configuration and deployment of storage products, the typical application scenarios, and are capable of independent storage business development.

H19-338_V3.0 Knowledge Content

  1. Huawei OceanStor Dorado Architecture and Key Technologies    25%
  2. Huawei New-Gen OceanStor Hybrid Flash Storage Key Technologies    10%
  3. Huawei OceanStor Storage Reliability and Availability Technologies    25%
  4. Huawei OceanStor Pacific Distributed Storage Architecture and Key Technologies    20%
  5. Huawei OceanProtect Backup Storage Key Technologies and Best Practice   10%
  6. Huawei Data Management Solution    5%
  7. Huawei Data Storage POC Test Design   5%

Huawei H19-338_V3.0 exam is for the HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 certification exam, which is popular. If you are one of them and you are preparing for the Huawei H19-338_V3.0 exam, just come for the valid H19-338_V3.0 exam questions of HCDAtest to complete the HCSP-Presales-Storage V3.0 certification successfully.


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